Bragging rights (Or my right to brag!)

I’m late blogging this week, my brain is tired, my body is exhausted, and I’ve cracked a nice new bottle of preservative free wine. BUT, this is the one and only opportunity I’ll have to blog, and as Bailey is 16 months today, and this subject has come up quite a few times this week, it’s my time to brag..

Sometimes I think that other mum’s are waaaaaayyy too competitive with what their kids can/can’t do. We must remember that they every person has their strengths and weaknesses and this will also be true of toddlers. This is the time when their personalities begin to develop and how we act around them will directly influence that. I try my best to be calm, happy, and a postive influence for my bub, and I am PROUD to say she is AMAZING!!

As hard as we try not to compare, I can honestly say my bub is better than all the rest!! (Can you see the tongue in my cheek?)

Here’s what she can do:

TALK!! She is a blabber mouth, and says all of these words “Star, turtle, Santa, Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, Astrid, Harvey, Nugget, Cindy, Granpa, Bubble, Balloon, Ball, Toe, Foot, Shoe, Nose, Eye, Ear, Teeth, Button, Pocket, Truck, Car, Teddy, Pat, Tap, Hot, Tree, Dog, Woof, Baa, Moo, Door, Key, Up, Boo-Boo, Owl, Hoo-Hoo, Guitar, Fish, Whale + heaps more that are very close to words but not quite there!”    CLIMB- Up slippery dips, and up LADDERS!!     Build blocks, put puzzle pieces in, turn pages of books, wipe her own bum, and strum the guitar with the plectrum.

WHAT SHE CAN’T DO- Walk, but as she’s been cruising for a while it can’t be far off (dammit!) Cook, wash up (although she’s got her own kitchen to practice on, and she gets a sink full of bubbles that lots of stuff gets “washed” in!)     Clean, but she can sort of clean cos she picks lots of crap up off the floor and hoovers it up and she wipes her tray clean with her bib!

So there you have it, she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be! She warms my heart and fills our house with joy..


16 months ago!


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